Archive for February 24th, 2007|Daily archive page

Attempts to create the Ikea lamp

green kirigami000_4457.jpginsidetemplatedev template

After seeing this lamp posted on Eric’s website   I thought I had a pretty good idea of what the template would look like.  As the pictures show I was wrong, but I liked some of the consequences so I’ll post one of my templates.  Have fun.  You need 8 cut out, you are making a cube, although it does resemble a sphere.  I have more potential templates, but will post them later.  The difference between the green and tan is that I creased the green semicircles. If you connect the semicircles internally you get a very strong finished polyhedron.  I did it with a plastic cover divider and it was thrown around and had nary a scratch.  The second template I was sure would work, but I came up with an ocatahedron base, not an icosahedron.

Disclaimer:  This was so easy I’m sure everybody and their mother has designed this.

Update:  The second template I made was correct.  Someone found a link to a manual and it’s posted on Eric’s site through the comments.  The slot is horizontal, not at a 45 degree incline and the circles are shifted to the side of the vertices.