Origami Dollar Bill 3d Mini Dress Instructions


1.  First fold the dollar bill lengthwise with a mountain fold using the top and bottom of the one as a guide.



2.  Fold over between one to two mm to the outside.  This is to taste.


3.  Mountain fold in half.


4.  First orient the dollar bill like below.  Take the crease and fold up to the inner part of the O.


5.  Mountain fold so you are folding across the semicircle.


6.  Fold the semicircle up to about the tip of the pyramid.


7.On an angle fold back the bottom edge of the bustier.  The top part of the skirt angles because of a spreas squash.  I recommend looking ahead to the next few steps first.


8.  View from the back.  Do the same symmetrically to the other side.


9.  Back View-flip over.


10.  Front view.


11.  Fold down so there is about as much white as color.


12.  Fold back up so the white is the bustier edge detail


13.  Mountain fold edges on either side to shape bustier


14.  Pull the center flap down


15.  Flatten symmetrically as shown.


16.  Shape edge of lower skirt on both sides symmetrically


17.  Fold the bottom up to taste.  In the back fold over the edges that are sticking out and tuck under the pleat at the waist.  Pull apart the creases at the bottom to give 3 dimensionality to the bottom.  It will not necessarily lie flat.


18.  Now I push the pleat apart where the bust should be to make the bustier 3d.  You are expanding the pleat only at the tip of the breast and then flattening the new creases.  You can see the side view.


19.  The last step is to push down the centerbar so that the bustier is more 3d and you only see the white band.  Then you are done.  Shape till happy.


9 comments so far

  1. […] Original post by Student Flotsam and Origami Jetsam […]

  2. EnWhySee on

    Beautiful design, but I’m not a fan of RAT folds. I use $2 bills, so it conceivably could make a more even pattern for the front.

  3. […] paper folding art of Origami and want to learn how to make cool paper models, head to Origami.com. Origami Dollar Bill 3d Mini Dress Instructions… Christine Edison, Dollar Folds, dollar bill origami, free, origami, origami diagrams, origami in […]

  4. yvette on

    beautiful design, will have to do that.

  5. Sally on

    Hey thanks for sharing these great and detailed instructions. I like sharing Simple Origami on my website.

  6. lilly on

    hay yo gurl!
    Did you make that up? Cuse that is really cool! I’ve tried to make up something, and it just turns out crappy. Once I accually paid this lady at ten-thousand villages 5 bucks and it was all 1’s and they were all folded in different origami things. I tried not to lagh at the cashers face, she didn’t know what to do! but I learned it all from this origami calender and I think you can use the paper too!

  7. Hsi Hou on

    Just wondering if you created this diagram? 🙂

    • cedison on

      yes:) Although it’s not much of diagram, not my forte.

      • beanytink on

        Oh Excellent!

        I was actually interested in using this model along with your butterfly ring model in my Etsy store. I was not aware until yesterday that origami models are copyrightable and that I am not allowed to use the creations (even if I create the model myself through free diagrams online such as yours) without permission.

        If you would like a better idea of what I do with the dollar origami creations, here’s my blog where I recently posted on the beginnings of my small store and the arduous journey of trying to find all of the model designers to request permission.


        Thank you for creating such a delightful model. And regardless of whether or not you give me permission to use it, I just wanted to let you know that it’s one of the most creative and realistic “clothing” models I’ve seen so far.

        ~H. Chen

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